You Are An Inspiration To Me and Many

107 Quotes and Messages to Say You Are An Inspiration To Me and Many

We were created to live dependently on one another. Some behaviors and acts are adopted because someone motivated us to do them. It is therefore important to note those sets of people that mold our lives consciously or unconsciously. Sometimes we wish to express our minds to those people who inspire us. Nevertheless, we may…

Confirmation From God On Who To Marry

12+Convincing Confirmation From God On Who To Marry

Since the beginning of time, marriage has been a sacred institution in many societies and religions. Marriage, in the Christian faith, is God’s way of establishing His kingdom on earth. Any marriage that will be a success must have as its cornerstone as God. God and all that He stands for must be placed first…

I Am Sorry For Hurting You My Love

101 Romantic Messages to Say I Am Sorry For Hurting You My Love

As it is a known fact that no relationship is perfect, and there will certainly be ups and downs. Moments will come when you’ll hurt and upset your loved one, intentionally and unintentionally, and you just have to make it up to him/her because you don’t want to lose the relationship. How do you say…

How To Appreciate Someone In Words

60 Unique Ways on How To Appreciate Someone In Words for Their Help

It is important to create time to appreciate someone that has helped you in one way or the other and be deliberate about doing it constantly. Appreciation helps in deepening existing relationships and friendships. Learn how to appreciate someone in words today and you will watch your relationship with them blossom. Appreciation makes people feel…

Prayer For Sleep And Healing

100 Sweet Prayer For Sleep And Healing with Scriptures

Sleep is vital to our health and the proper function of our body every day. Sometimes, we find it very difficult to observe proper sleep due to the anxieties we transported from the daytime to the nighttime. This can result in someone falling sick or developing fatigues bodily. Beautiful nighttime prayer helps you get refreshed…