Quotes About Sharing And Giving

70 Quotes About Sharing And Giving to God and Neighbors

Learning how to give is learning how to be blessed. This is a principle in the kingdom that no one can gainsay. The system that runs the earth says that “if you sow nothing, you will reap nothing”. As long as the earth stands, the seed time and harvest time shall not cease. This is what the creator Himself has said.

Unless you have mastered the art of giving, you will never know how to receive. It’s impossible for a farmer who did not plant anything to go to his farm and harvest fruit he did not plant. Before harvest comes the planting season. Giving is how you plant. In these quotes about sharing and giving, you will see the benefits that await every committed giver.

Apart from getting blessed after performing the art of giving, you also make other people around you happy when you bless them with your substance. If you are committed to making your neighbor happy, you will not also lack joy in your life. Look into these quotes about sharing and giving, and you will be inspired to give more.

Quotes About Sharing And Giving

1. The things you are blessed with are given to you by God so that you can share them with the people around you who don’t have them.

2. Your life is blessed because God knows you will be responsible for others. Step up and step into your full responsibility. Give always!

3. Holding back what you should share with people shows you don’t believe that the God who blessed you can keep blessing you as you give to the needy.

4. Great minds share what they have with others. They don’t wait until they have it all before they start helping the needy around them.

5. It is a good thing to find people who have needs and be a blessing to them in every little way you can. The more you help them with your little, the more your little becomes much.

6. Living to help others is the best way to live life. Living for yourself is not the purpose for which God created you. Learn to give and share.

7. Deciding to be a giver is not dependent on how much you already have. It depends on your heart. If your heart is big, your hand will give.

8. People are important to God. He gave them His only begotten son to save them from sin. What are you going to give to the needy?

9. There are things you can at least share with someone in need every day of your precious life. When you think of what to give, you will find something to give.

10. Wake up every day with the desire to give something special to someone who needs it. What you have to give is what someone somewhere is looking for.

The Spirit Of Giving Quotes

11. Giving is inside-out. It comes from your spirit and that is how it works. When you are nudged, make a move. Give and it shall be given unto you.

12. Your spirit is one with the Spirit of God. God is a giver and He is still giving today through His kids on earth. His Spirit inspires the spirits of His kids to give.

13. When you catch the spirit of giving you become an incurable giver. You will give until you become giving personified. That is how it works.

14. Every time you open yourself to God. He will nudge you to do something. Giving is one of the things He helps us to do regularly.

15. You don’t need to be comfortable to give what is in your spirit. Just obey God and do the needful. That is how to live a victorious Christian life.

16. As you keep giving, your spirit will keep enjoying fellowship with God. That is how to stay attached to His spirit always.

17. God is still leading us to give today by His Spirit in us. His Spirit is the spirit of giving. He has been giving to us and He won’t stop giving to us.

18. Let your giving come from the depth of your spirit all the time. Through your giving, you can open doors that you never thought could open for you.

19. Continue in the art of giving. Never allow people’s opinions about giving to God to stop you from giving to God. Hold on to a lifestyle that works. The giver’s lifestyle!

20. Your spirit will not lead you into error as long as it is one with the Spirit of God. You should give for the advancement of the kingdom projects.

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The Joy Of Giving Quotes

21. There is a joy that knows no end neither does it recognize the power of failure. This joy comes from giving with all your heart and trusting God to fix everything that concerns you.

22. Giving is living the life that God has called us into. You should not struggle. You are to give joyfully. That is expected of you as a good Christian.

23. When you give to the needy, you will feel joyful about it because you are doing the work of the Master. He wants all of humanity to feel His love and benevolence.

24. The joy of giving is super beautiful. No one knows like you know how you are feeling as you give to needy people. It is so beautiful and glorious.

25. God is not going to step down from heaven and give to the needy. We as His children are here to do His works. We are here to give joyfully.

26. As you give joyfully, you will have more to give. God is not going to hold back from giving more resources to the faithful and joyful giver.

27. Having the things you own has been by the mercies of God. You are not prospering by accident. It is simply because God wants you to be a channel of His blessings.

28. Great men and women give to the poor with joy. They know that God is faithful to His promises regarding the act of giving.

29. Joy is not a cliche. It is real. You can experience true joy and life to the glory of God daily by being a steady joyful giver.

30. You are blessed to be a blessing. God has brought you this far to make you a blessing to others who are still struggling to make it in life.

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Sharing And Giving Quotes

31. Giving is not the responsibility of a few. Sharing is not for a selected set of people. Everyone can share and give no matter how little.

32. The day you start sharing and giving to the people who are in need your life will change for good. You will start living for a purpose beyond you.

33. Those who give continuously and share what they have are far more significant than those who neither give nor share what they have with others.

34. The more you give and share your substances, the more you will have. God will intentionally keep blessing you in all you do.

35. By simply giving to the needy or sharing what you have with someone who needs it, you will make yourself a channel of God’s blessing.

36. There is nothing worth living for aside from living to help others and living to glorify God. To help others and glorify God, you have to practice giving from the depth of your heart.

37. If you love people, you will help them in the ways you can. Giving and sharing with people who are in need is a great way to invest in people.

38. You can live a more meaningful life by giving and sharing. Every day is a good day to be a blessing to the people around you.

39. Create time to do the things that matter the most. Create time to share and give things to people who need them. Live a great life that people will testify about someday.

40. You have come this far and God has blessed you in the process of your journey to this height. You can now give to people. Make it a lifestyle.

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Quotes About Sharing Blessings

41. You are blessed not just for yourself, friends, and loved ones. You are blessed to be a blessing to everyone that comes in contact with you.

42. It was the generosity of God that made you a blessing. Now that you are blessed, share the blessing and let others benefit from the goodness of God in your life.

43. Living a great life has to do with sharing your blessings, particularly with those who are needy. You can make life easier for someone daily.

44. God expects His children to always do good to others by sharing what He gave them. God’s blessings are too much to keep to yourself alone.

45. Don’t be afraid of losing all you have if you share your blessing. God will not stop blessing you as you keep blessing others with the right provisions.

46. If there is nothing that is too much for you to bless anyone with, then there is nothing too much for God to bless you with.

47. We are one big family of God. Let us share the blessings and help ourselves become greater than we already are. It leads to the expansion of our great kingdom.

48. Every effort to give and share counts. Every time you go out of your way to help anyone, God sees it. He will always reward the faithful people who share what they have with people with needs.

49. You are not supposed to enjoy your blessings alone. God wants you to share your blessings with others. That is how life should be lived.

50. Your life is designed to bless everyone you meet along the way. Make it your lifelong decision to share your blessings and God will not stop blessing you.

Quotes About Giving To Others

51. People are important. If you understand how important people are you will maximize every opportunity you get to give to them.

52. Giving is a way to live right. Giving to others should be done daily just like we eat food daily. People are waiting to get what you can give them.

53. Somebody somewhere is trusting God that you will release what is in your hands. This means a lot to him/her. Don’t hold back what you should give out.

54. It is your responsibility as a child of God to give to others and make life easier for them by every positive means you can. Let your light shine so that they may see your good works and glorify God.

55. Needy people are everywhere looking for help. You can help the ones around you by starting to give today. Not tomorrow but today.

56. God will hold you responsible for how you used His blessings in your life. You are expected to always give to the needy.

57. As you give to others avoid making them see you as their God. Make it a duty to point them to Jesus. He is their source, not you.

58. Life is best lived by helping others live out their purposes on earth as much as you can. Through giving you can help a lot of people live purposefully.

59. So many people are going to benefit from what you have right now. Think of their lives, think of their families. Rise and help them.

60. Having the things you have won’t make you exceptional. It is giving and changing lives around you that makes you truly great. God wants you to be a giver.

Love is Giving Quotes

61. You can’t claim you love people if you are not giving them what you can at every phase of your life. God loves us and He gave. Practice the way God expressed His love for humanity.

62. To love someone is to give and be willing to keep giving for the good of that person you love. Love gives without holding back anything due to the other person.

63. Love does not live in denial of the needs of the people that can be helped. You can do better by giving the people you love the assistance they need all the time.

64. Love is not just in words. Love can better be expressed through our actions. The next time you want to talk about love, think about the action part of it.

65. If you truly know the definition of love, you will be a giver. Giving is the proof of love and the more you give the more you express love.

66. No matter where you are and what you have, you can give love to anyone and everyone you meet. Loving others is a basic gift we all can give.

67. Love is the key to all human problems. The more you love people the more you help them solve their problems. Keep loving day to day.

68. God knows we need to be loved that was why He loved us first. You can love anyone no matter what you have been through. Love is a beautiful experience.

69. Make up your mind that you will be a person that loves people unconditionally. Love is priceless. Love is a gift. Give and receive it.

70. The day you stop loving you start losing the essence of life. You have to keep giving love till the end of time. Love is yours to give and you should give it to people to inspire them.


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