Proud Congratulations For Passing Exams Quotes

70 Words of Proud Congratulations For Passing Exams Quotes

It is through writing exams that you scale through classes in schools. Every student looks forward to writing exams. They also look forward to having the best exam results at the end of their exams. After writing exams, every student expects the result and passed thereby. How do you congratulate someone who has passed an exam? My article will guide you!

Sitting to write exams requires that you prepare and also get the support of the people who care about your success in life. It is the responsibility of loved ones to encourage those who have one exam or the other to write at any point in time.

We should be proud of a student who has paid due diligence to his studies and has succeeded in his exams. Your congratulations messages will be of encouragement to keep being the best among his/her peers and do better in the nearest future.

You will find proud congratulations for passing exams quotes and messages to celebrate everyone who has done well in their exams that you know. Kindly choose as many messages and quotes for your use on this page.

Congratulations On Passing The Board Exam Quotes

How do you congratulate someone on a passing board exam? You will find proud congratulations for passing exams quotes here to send your good wishes!

1. Exams are used to test your capacity to move to the next class in your studies in school. You have passed this exam and you deserved to move further in your studies. Congratulations on passing the board exam this time.

2. Everyone gets a shot at proving their worth at the exam hall by writing well enough. You have proven yourself to be competent. I am very proud of you. Congratulations!

3. People who have studied are more prepared to write exams than people who did not study ahead of time. You deserve to be celebrated for scoring good grades. I celebrate you today for being studious!

4. You either fail or you pass after writing an exam. You passed with flying colors much more than we expected you to. Your performance was a big surprise to all.

5. The board exam is a means that determines your promotion to a higher level in your career. Good to know you scored the highest mark amongst other students.

6. There is a time to read and there is a time to defend what you read. The board exam was an opportunity to defend what you have been reading and you passed it. Well done!

7. Congratulations already for passing the exam recently. I knew you were going to do well and you did well. I remain very proud of you.

8. Those who truly studied don’t disappoint when they get into the exam halls. They pass the exam well like you did. Congratulations on an exam well written and passed.

9. There is a special congratulatory response to those who pass exams like this. You have done a good job. The future belongs to people like you who do well in their tests.

10. You gave your best and got the best result, congratulations on that. That is how best to live your life. In everything you do, give your best.

Words Of Congratulations For Passing Exams

What do you say to someone who passed an exam? Find beautiful congratulatory wishes for such here!

11. Many students went into that exam hall to pass but only a few did. Thankfully you are among the few who emerged with flying colors. Congratulations to you.

12. Writing an exam is not enough. No one gets congratulated for writing an exam but for passing it. Congratulations on passing your exams and thank you for making us very proud.

13 I celebrate you for doing very well in your exams. You have always strived to be the best in all you do. Continue to work hard.

14. Passing an exam of that nature was serious work. I can imagine what you went through to come this far. Congratulations and I wish you the best in the future.

15. You are such a brilliant personality. You have never stopped to amaze the people that know you. You are doing well by passing your exams.

16. I celebrate your high level of intelligence. Your intelligence is unmatched in any way by anyone. That was good of you to pass the exams.

17. Passing your exams was a good way forward. I know that you have better days ahead of you for sure. I congratulate you!

18. You are worth celebrating for passing the exam. You have proven that you are exceptional over and over again. We will b proud to invest more in you.

19. You are obviously on the right path in your life. Passing this exam was necessary for your next level. You have done very well with this outcome.

20. It’s a time to express gratitude to God for making you the best amongst those that wrote the exams with you. It’s not cheap at all exceeding your colleagues. A big congratulations to you.

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Congratulations for Success In Exam

21. Success is not cheap and failure is not costly. You took the path of success, you passed your exam and I am very glad for you. Congratulations!

22. You prayed for this exam to be successful and it was successful. I can imagine how happy you are now. I congratulate you for taking the time to pray about it and work toward it.

23. Working hard has never been difficult for you. Through this exam, you proved again that hard work pays and refines. Thank you for passing well!

24. This is a well-deserved success in the exam you wrote. Congratulations on being the best out of all the students that wrote with you.

25. To succeed at anything one must commit to it. You studied hard and prayed hard to pass your exam. You are the best at what you do.

26. Congratulations on your success in the exam. You are a star and you will shine and keep shining. You are a superstar.

27. It takes courage to write exams that determine the next phase of life. You wrote and passed with good grades. You do well always.

28. To have exam success would require some level of sacrifice. You did the needful to pass your exam and now you are being celebrated. I celebrate your sacrifice.

29. You passed your exam well even though it did not look like you would at the onset. I wish you well as you move forward in life.

30. Your exam was a success because you were prepared for it ahead of time. Keep making us proud. We are excited to congratulate you for doing well.

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Congratulations for 1st Position

31. This is the best feeling I have had in a long time. You came first among other intelligent people in your class. Congratulations!

32. Coming first is not always easy but you manage to lead the class every time. Keep being your best and never settle for the less.

33. We would still have celebrated you if you came second or third. Congratulations once again on achieving the first position in the class of 100 students.

34. It took time to finally arrive at the first position but you did. You earned it through your relentless hard work. Congratulations to you.

35. You deserve a big congratulatory message for having the first position this period. This is a great accomplishment for us all.

36. When others are looking for easy ways out, you are always looking for the right way to achieve the best result. Well done for getting the best result so far.

37. Being first means you did better than all others. You have done a great job by giving this task your best. You are the first for a good reason.

38. Being the first person has made you an inspiration to others. Your first position has inspired everyone in a good way. I celebrate your success.

39. We all admire your courage to go beyond the limits of others. You have paid the price to be highly recognized as number one among your peers.

40. The things you do easily are difficult for others. Your position at this point is not contestable. Congratulations on having the first position.

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Christian Congratulations for Passing The Board Exam

41. You are a child of God and you are already representing God well in your exams. You passed your board exam. A big congratulations to you.

42. You are the light of the world and that is why you are shining even in your exams. It was the light of God in you that made your exams successful.

43. You could not have done well without the help of God by your side while you were writing the exam. Congratulations!

44. Where others failed you have succeeded greatly. I pray God keeps making you great as He deems fit in the journey of your life.

45. I want to thank God for your life. You passed the board exam very well this time. Accept my heartfelt congratulations for making us proud.

46. God does not breed failures at all. You are His child and you are enlightened to pass your exams and you did not disappoint. I am very glad for you for topping the class.

47. Our God is very faithful in helping you pass your board exams. I know what this exam means to you. Congratulations for doing well in your studies.

48. Your mind is sharp and intelligent because you are a child of God. Keep making Him proud everywhere you go and in every exam, you write. Congratulations to you.

49. The wisdom of God is always finding expressions through your life. That I know for sure and it was proven again in this exam you recently had. Good job!

50. You are a good representative of Christ in your department. Passing your board exam has further made you a force to reckon with in your field.

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Congratulations Message To A Daughter For Passing The Board Exam

51. My daughter, you are the best daughter in the world. No one can ever replace you in my heart and life. Thank you for making our investment in you worthwhile. well done!

52. Even if you failed you would still be my daughter. However, you passed so well that you are now the envy of many. Congratulations, my dear!

53. The board exam was tough but you were tougher, my daughter. I am now a very proud father. Congratulations on passing the board exam this time.

54. It is always good to try again after failing. God bless you for having the courage to try again after failing. You have passed it now and I can proudly call you my daughter.

55. This is a time to celebrate you. Your exam was a huge success. You did too well and I am proud of you so much.

56. By passing this exam, you have made me very proud of you. Being your parent is the best thing to ever happen to me.

57. I’m so excited to congratulate you for passing the board exam with the best result ever. You are a light shining brighter always.

58. Your passion for excelling in all you do has played a significant role in you passing your exam. The sky is your take-off point. You are doing very well.

59. You are the most dedicated to academic work that I have ever seen in my entire life. No wonder you pass all your exams so well.

60. Let me be the first to congratulate you for passing your exam, my beautiful daughter. You are going to the top and you will always do well.

Congrats for Passing Exam

61. Allow me to congratulate you for passing your recent exam with a very good score. You blew the mind of everyone around you. You are already a celebrity!

62 It is all about you today knowing that you passed your exam significantly well as you can. I believe in your future and I will encourage you to continue at this pace.

63 You are exceptional in your great way. Congrats on passing your exam with the best result ever. Everyone is proud to be associated with you

64. Your name rings a bell when mentioned now because you passed your exam better than the others who also wrote. What a great day to see you do well in your studies and celebrate with you.

65. You are truly worth celebrating for doing so well in your exam. All you need is to keep performing well and you will get to the top over time.

66 Life is full of challenges but you did not allow what you are going through to stop you from passing your exam. I am so glad to be your Mum.

67. You have shown that you are intelligent by scoring the highest in your exam. You are unique and we all love and celebrate you for being outstanding.

68. Yes, you passed your exam. You did not fail and that makes me very happy for you. I wish you all the best as you progress on the path of your destiny.

69..This is a wonderful day to experience. The day finally came when you passed your exam. A big congratulations to you, my friend.

70. Passing this exam meant the world to you and God helped you to achieve it. Congratulations and may you keep being the best in all you do. Amen.

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