Prayer For Soul to Rest In Peace

90 Eternal Bliss Prayer For Soul to Rest In Peace in Heaven

Death is inevitable, everyone will obey the call one day. No matter how long you live upon the earth, you will answer the heavens’ invitation. This is a necessity every man must obey. When our time is done upon the earth, we will go home to be with our maker. Death is a painful necessity.

No one wants to lose anyone they consider valuable. For the sake of our loved ones who have gone, it’s important to offer prayer for soul to rest in peace. This is the only thing you can do for them while they rest in their eternal home.

The death of a loved one is a very sad experience, it’s always very difficult to make do with the moment because its impact will be felt. And we will miss them but there is nothing anyone can do to stop it from happening. So anytime someone dies, the best thing we can do for them is to say a word of prayer to them, so that they will have a better experience in heaven. Here is a list of some prayers for a soul to rest in peace.

Goodbye Short Prayer For The Dead

1. Dear God, this man has lived a meaningful life here on earth and he deserves to rest well in glory. We pray that he finds hope in your loving presence and that you comfort his family and friends. May his soul rest in peace.

2. As a mortal man, it is difficult to lead a blameless life and so is the case of this man. May his sin be forgiven, may the angel of God welcome him, and may he find eternal rest in the bosom of the Lord Jesus Christ.

3. Lord, you are the God of mercy and truth, let him find mercy in your sight in glory. May he receive God’s mercy and grace as he embarks on his eternal journey, and may the lord admit him into his paradise.

4. Father Lord, we pray for the dead, that you may grant them eternal life and help the family to understand your love and compassion for them in times of sorrow. Also, keep the family they have left behind in this life.

5. Heavenly Father we pray for our beloved brother, may he find peace and rest in your kingdom, and may the people he left behind be comforted. Let their memories be blessed here on earth while they see your face in glory.

6. Almighty Father, I pray for my mother, may all the sins that may hinder her be blotted out so that she shall have a resting place with you in your kingdom. Let her good work be rewarded unto her in eternity.

7. God, we thank you for the life of the deceased, thanks for helping him live a life worthy of emulation, we ask you to help us preserve his soul forever in Jesus’ name. Let her rest well in your bosom in your glory. Amen.

8. Father, we appreciate you for everything you have done over this soul since the day she was born to this moment of her departure, we pray you will grant her eternal rest.

9. Lord, as she embarks on his eternity journey, we ask you to bring her into your paradise in your loving kindness and mercy. Let everything that you have prepared for her in glory not elude her. Grant her peace and everlasting rest.

10. We pray that we will see you again in the kingdom of God where there will be no more crying, weeping, sorrow, and distress. May the Lord rest your soul and give you special treatment in eternity. Amen.

Catholic Prayer For The Soul To Rest In Peace

11. Holy Mary, mother of God for your son now and forevermore. Father, we pray for our beloved brother who slept in you, Please forgive all his shortcomings and let him have a place in your paradise.

12. May the Lord grant your soul eternal rest and peace and may the people you left behind find hope in God’s presence. May eternity heal all your pains and agony in this world. Amen.

13. Heavenly Father, creator of all creatures, we come before you this morning and we ask you to preserve the soul of our mother from any demon, and grant her eternal peace.

14. O God, we pray that you bring her into your loving arms and let her dwell with you in your kingdom forever. Let the family she left behind find peace and comfort in you in the name of our Lord.

15. May the Lord in his mercy, cause his light to shine upon you, And grant your soul eternal peace and joy. May God overlook every sin that you have committed and give you peace eternal in the name of Jesus. amen.

16. May the Lord rest your soul in peace and may you enjoy the fullness of his love forever. And may the people you left behind hopefully believe your promises.

17. Dear God, thank you for helping our Father to live a blessed life on earth, we pray that you give him eternal life as he dwells in your garden forever.

18. May the angel of the Lord touch everything that belongs to him on earth and may the good God reward him with eternal rest.

19. Lord, we pray that you overlook their wrongdoings and show them mercy, bestow upon them the grace to live with you in your paradise forever.

20. May their souls rest in perfect peace, and may the lives of their loved ones never remain the same after their death. May the Lord be with them and give them joy unending in His mercy. Amen.

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Prayer For Departed Loved Ones

21. Dear God, we commit the soul of our brother into your hands, we ask you to forgive his trespasses and admit him into the joy of your kingdom. Let the blood of Jesus speak for him in every way sin may want to hinder him. Amen.

22. We pray that the holy Mary and the angel of God welcome you into the kingdom of God and may the lord Jesus Christ embrace you. Let the mercy of our Lord Jesus wipe out your iniquities and give you eternal rest.

23. Lord, please forgive the sins of our beloved mother, set her among your saints, and let her enter into your beautiful paradise. We pray that you place her among the special and chosen ones in eternity. Amen.

24. Our brother who just departed into glory may not have lived a blameless life but we know your mercy always speaks. May all his shortcomings be forgiven, and may the lord in his infinite mercy embrace him into the garden of his paradise.

25. May Christ who saves you take you unto himself may the angel of God take you to Father Abraham’s bosoms, and may you find a resting place in God’s paradise.

26. As you proceed in your eternal journey, I pray that the light of God will shine upon you forever, may the good God give you eternal rest.

27. May the chosen of the lord come to your aid, and may the angel of the lord take you to the kingdom of God. May you find eternal rest.

28. May the lord give you eternal rest and may his perpetual light shine bright on you forever till we meet and part no more. Heaven is a place of joy and peace, may the joy over there above make you forget all your sorrows on earth. Amen.

29. Heavenly we pray for our beloved mother in the lord, may all her sins be forgiven, and as she dies on this deathbed, may she dwell with you forever. Make all of us see her again at the resurrection morning in the name of Jesus.

30. Lord, we are so sad about the death of our sister but we believe in your promise of life after death, may she rest in peace till we all reunite again.

Prayer For Departed Soul

31. We pray for our dear daughter, May the perpetual light of God shine on her soul, and may the Lord grant her everlasting life. Show her mercy for all her shortcomings in the name of Jesus.

32. May the Lord through His infinite mercy rest your soul in peace, and grant you everlasting joy in His holy place. Everything that can be of hindrance to your eternal rest will be taken care of by the blood of Jesus.

33. Father we pray that you forgive our sins and the sins of the deceased, show him favor, and let him have a resting place with you. Let everything that he has left behind not suffer loss. Grant him perfect peace in eternity. Amen.

34. God, you are the greatest and the most merciful, the creator of the universe, we pray that you show your mercy to our mother and admit her to your paradise.

35. Lord, hear our prayer for our dead mother, may she find happiness in her journey to eternity, and may her soul rest in peace. Make her forget all the sorrows of this life in the name of Jesus. AMen.

36. Father, we entrust the soul of our brother into your hands, may he return to you in the garden of paradise, and may he find peace and rest.

37. God, we pray for our deceased brethren, please admit him as one of your saints and set him among your chosen ones. Let every stain in his garment be cleansed by the blood of Jesus who died for him. Amen.

38. Heaven is a place of light and great joy, may the light of God shine upon you, may he give you eternal rest in his kingdom, rest in perfect peace in the bosom of your Lord.

39. Dear God, I pray that you take away all his sorrows, grant him everlasting joy, and make him live with you forever. The crown of glory that you have prepared for everyone that loves you, let him not miss it in the name of Jesus.

40. Almighty God, we want to thank you for the life of our father, whom you called to glory, Thanks for saving his soul here on earth, and we pray that you will also save him from the pit of hell and give him rest.

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Prayer For Souls To Go To Heaven

41. Father, we pray for your son, please show him mercy, and let the holy angel convey him to paradise and let him reign with you forever.

42. Dear God, thank you for sending your son to the world for the salvation of our souls, Thank you for saving our deceased brother when he was still alive, we pray that you show him grace to live in your holy land forever.

43. May the good God forgive his sins, and purify him. As he proceeds with his eternal journey, may he be welcome into the kingdom of God.

44. Father, our brother served you with his whole heart, we pray that you reward him and grant him eternal rest.

45. Dear lord, we ask on behalf of our dear son, we pray that you have compassion on him and give an eternal peace.

46. Merciful God, our mother has slept in you and we believe you will fulfill your promise of eternal life for her. Please keep her with you till we meet again.

47. We are not perfect as well as our deceased parents but we pray that your mercy prevails and that you grant them everlasting life.

48. May the mercy and favor of the Lord keep be with your soul and may the angel of the lord welcome you to God’s kingdom.

49. Lord, we bless your name over our beloved brother, we believe he is with you in heaven rejoicing, and we wait on your coming.

50. Father we thank you for your love, and mercy, over every one of us and most especially our deceased friend, we know and we are sure that you have taken him to where he will experience no more sorrow but everlasting joy.

Eternal Rest Prayer For The Dead

51. Father, we pray that you forgive them the sin of the dead and grant them everlasting rest in your paradise.

52. May their sins be forgiven, may they receive favor in the sight of the lord, and may the Lord Jesus Christ embrace them Into his kingdom.

53. Dear God, we pray that you wipe away the tears of our beloved brethren as he comes to you, and grant him eternal life.

54. Almighty Father, I commit the soul of my dear friend into your hands, Lord, please do not allow any principality to take charge of her soul, grant her eternal peace.

55. Dear God, thank you for taking the soul of our beloved grandmother, we believe you took it because of your love for her and we are sure she is with you in paradise.

56. May the light of God shine on your soul, and may he grant you peace and everlasting life as your continue in your eternal journey.

57. The death of our mother saddened our hearts, but we thank you because her life is hidden with you and we will meet her again in paradise.

58. Great God, the most merciful, the most gracious, we come before you on behalf of our deceased uncle, we pray that you have compassion on him and accept him into your kingdom.

60. Father we thank you for the forgiveness of sins and hope of eternity that you gave to us, we pray that our dead brother be received into your glorious home.

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Eternal Rest Prayer For Him

61. Heavenly Father, we ask for the forgiveness of sin of our beloved who slept in you, we pray that you forgive all his trespasses and count him worthy to enter into your paradise.

62. Dear God, we thank you for the knowledge of your word that even if we die we shall rise again, we believe our Father is with you now enjoying your kingdom.

63. Sweet Jesus, we pray that you show your indefinite mercy to our brethren who just left the earth, and grant them eternal rest.

64. May his shortcomings be overlooked, may his trespasses be blotted, and may the lord admit him into his kingdom.

65. Merciful God, we are not crying as unbelievers on the death of our mother because we believe in life after death, we pray that you rest his soul in perfect peace.

66. Father, we ask for mercy over our dear friend, preserve his soul in your kingdom till the day we will all meet with you. Also, make it possible for us to see him again at the resurrection of the Just.

67. Father we pray that you keep him under your wing, and give him everlasting joy in your presence. Let your throne comfort him from the struggles and anxieties of this life in the name of Jesus.

68. May his sins be forgiven and may the Lord in his multitudinous favor rest his soul in perfect peace.

69. Faithful God, creator of the universe, the one who knows the heart of men, we have come to ask for mercy over our dead brother, we pray that you grant him eternal life.

70. We pray in the name of Jesus that your sins are forgiven, you are washed and cleansed in the blood of the lamb and you have access to the kingdom of God.

Eternal Rest Prayer For Her

71. Father we pray that you show her mercy and make her experience inexpressible joy in your glorious presence.

72. Our dear lord, we thank you for your faithfulness over us and our deceased brother, we believe you will give him eternal rest.

73. Our Father in heaven, we pray that you forgive the iniquities of our Father and grant me the grace to inherit your kingdom.

74. Dear Lord, we pray that you have mercy on the soul of our beloved brethren and cause your light to shine on him.

75. May the merciful God have compassion on his sins and grant him eternal peace in his journey.

76. Father we intercede on behalf of our deceased friend, we ask for the forgiveness of his sins and we pray that he meet with you in heaven.

77. Dear Jesus, resurrection, and life, we plead for our dear son, that you show him mercy to reign with you in your glorious garden.

78. Our dear father has passed through the shadow of death, we pray that you will admit him into your holy place.

79. Lord, I pray that my husband will see you in his eternal journey, may his sins be forgiven, and may he be accepted into your kingdom.

80. Father, I commend the soul of my dear friend into your hands, I pray he will be preserved from demons and be granted eternal life in Christ Jesus.

Pray For Her Soul to Rest in Peace

81. Sweet Jesus, we pray that you receive the soul of our beloved who leaves this wicked world and grant her everlasting peace.

82. May the Lord replace her deathly body with a perpetual life, and may she rest in perfect peace in the lord Jesus Christ.

83. Sweet Jesus, the one who owns the key of the house of David, we pray that you open the gate of heaven for our deceased sister and receive her unto yourself.

84. Father, I pray that in your innumerable favor, forgive all her sins and have mercy on her soul, grant her eternal joy.

85. May her soul rest in perfect peace till we reunite again in God’s kingdom, where we will part no more.

86. Father, I pray that you have compassion on her soul, and give her a place in that invigorating calmness, peace, and light that they have always sought.

87. Almighty Father, the most compassionate, I pray for the remission of the sins of our mother, grant her grace to rest in your bosoms forever.

88. Dear God, we ask that you ease the burden of the dead, let her experience in heaven be better than this world. Grant her eternal life.

89. Our marvelous Father, we pray that you grant eternal life to the deceased and cause your eternal light to shine on her.

90. We pray that your light brings salvation to her and may her soul rest in peace because she belongs to you and you alone.

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